The Redstone Team continued to "Make It Better" by volunteering for a fifth time at the Lunch Is Served, Inc. program in late April 2022.

Lunch Is Served, Inc. provides sack lunches that are delivered to The Banquet, the St. Francis House and Labor Ready for those organizations to distribute to the working poor.  Lunch Is Served, Inc. was started by a group of concerned Sioux Falls citizens and started serving brown bag lunches in September 2006.  The sack lunches are packed twice a week and provide a nutritious mid-day meal to the working poor.  The Redstone volunteer group included Redstone Team members and family members as young as 5.  That night, Redstone volunteers packed 150 sack lunches.  We were the largest group to volunteer since before the Covid-19 pandemic so we were able to not only complete our tasks, but also give a head start for the next group of volunteers that week.

The Redstone Team volunteers multiple times throughout the year at different events.  Sarah Ouellette, one of Redstone's Legal Assistants, said that "Lunch Is Served is my favorite volunteer event!  It's fun to work together with the Redstone Team to pack lunches for local workers and it's great to be able to provide a meal for people who are working hard to help themselves and their families."

The Redstone Team plans to volunteer at Lunch Is Served again in the future.