On Sunday, December 18, a small group of volunteers from Redstone returned to the Children’s Home Shelter for Family Safety's Gift Wrap Booth at the Empire Mall.  The Gift Wrap Booth is an annual, month-long event at the Empire Mall each December.  2022 was Redstone's fifth time participating in this wonderful event.

During their shift, the six Redstone volunteers wrapped many gifts and were honored to work alongside others from the community in supporting such a worthy cause.  At the Gift Wrap Booth, shoppers who choose to have their gifts wrapped are encouraged to provide cash donations for the service.  All proceeds benefit the Children’s Home Shelter for Family Safety (formerly known as the Children's Inn of Sioux Falls), which provides free services to victims of domestic violence and child abuse & neglect.

Mother and daughter duo Vicki and Kaitlyn Swenson volunteered for the first time this year and had this to say about the event.  Vicki said, "This was my first-time volunteering for this event, so I wasn't sure what to expect.  I had so much fun!  My favorite part was chatting with all the people that stopped by the booth."  Kaitlyn agreed and added that "This event was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed helping wrap all the presents."

Volunteers from Redstone plan to participate in this event again in 2023!